My International Network provides opportunities for your investments that will extend beyond one’s lifetime into eternity.  Yes, investing in the Kingdom of God has no shelf life or expiration!

My International Network affords you the opportunity to come along side of many associates located in foreign countries, as well as participate in church planting, leadership development for national pastors, education for underprivileged kids, housing and care for orphans, feeding programs, safe houses and training for those that work with the abused and trafficked, international media ministry that reaches millions, building programs…and so many other expressions of Kingdom-building.

Overwhelming?  Not really.  If you will do what you can, God will do what He must to enhance His ever-increasing Kingdom.

Where and how do you get started?  First of all, identify your passion.  Then identify the people group or region that is close to your heart.  More than likely, My International Network can facilitate your passion.

As founders of My International Network, we thank you in advance for your prayers and support of valid missions endeavors.  Donna and I transitioned from a long-term service as Missions pastors to focus and facilitate our ministry through our agency, International Missions Network; the transition brought with it the responsibility to generate the operational costs and assist with projects that are represented among our international associates.

My International Network is dedicated to serve God, our associates and you in our obedience to the great commission.

Please visit our current projects page on this website and prayerfully consider how much you are willing to invest as you share in the spiritual dividends of the Kingdom.

Dr. Ralph Holland

Ralph Holland, President and Donna Holland, Administrator
Mark and Michelle Moore, Associate Directors